Impact so far...

We believe passionately that our programs change lives

People Reached
0 k +
Active Locations
0 +
Female Participation
0 %
0 +

Children Fed on Balanced Diets

0 %

Beneficiary Income Boost

Jobs Created
0 k

Why it works

One of the primary advantages of vertical farming is that it allows for year- round production of fresh produce regardless of weather conditions. This is especially important in African cities, where extreme weather events such as droughts and floods can disrupt traditional farming practices. Crops can be grown in a controlled environment with precise control over factors like temperature, humidity, and lighting, resulting in higher crop yields and more consistent production.

Reviews from previous beneficiaries


After losing my government job, I met Lilian at a conference and realized farming could be empowering. I started a demonstration farm in Entebbe, growing vegetables and fruits. Now, I provide for my family and sell to households in my community.


Inspired by Women Smiles Uganda, I encouraged women at my church to join me in farming. After training, we set up a greenhouse as a cooperative. Our group now sells a variety of nutritious vegetables, herbs, and spices to our community.


When Women Smiles Uganda visited Katanga, I joined their training. Now, I practice urban farming, feed my family, and earn up to $100 per month from surplus sales, significantly reducing my food costs.


After losing my husband in 2011, I struggled to raise four children. In 2019, Women Smiles Uganda trained me in agri-business and vertical farming, helping me reduce food costs and achieve financial freedom. I now inspire fellow widows in my community.

Beneficiaries Telling Their Stories…

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